The driving spirit behind HROS is the belief that collectively we can advance the field of Human Resources further and faster than we can alone. A view that bringing HR practitioners around the world together to collaborate, open their playbooks, and share some of their proven practices can accelerate learning, education, and inspiration – and ultimately raise the collective capabilities of the field. 

As we continue scaling HROS and growing the community and contributors, we wanted to gauge global HR practitioner views and perspectives on collaborating and sharing practices. We partnered with our friends at exaqueo to develop the HROS Global HR Practitioner Collaboration Survey to benchmark global views on sharing and collaboration with peers. 

Please click the button below and take five minutes to complete the survey. 


Our aim is to reach as many global HR and recruiting practitioners as possible, so please share the survey with your peers inside AND outside of the HROS community. 

Sharing is caring. Once we’ve compiled the data, we’ll share the feedback and findings on the HROS blog. 


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